About Acharyashree


Acharya Ni.Li. Goswami Shree Kishorchandraji Maharajshree

Motivator-Mentor-Founder, Shree Vallabh Goshala

When there was a severe drought took place in year of 1987, the situation of our motherly figure Gomatawas very pity. In this hard timewith the help of inspiration of doctrines of Shree Mahaprabhuji and devotion to Lord Shree Krishna,ourNityaLeela. Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree established the importance of Gomata among the society.

The Mughal emperor Akbar had bestowed the title of “Goswami” on Prabhucharan Shree GusaijiVitthalnathji and the embodiment of the same is NityaLeela.Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree.

In perception of “કૃષ્ણસેવા સદા કાર્યા”preached by Mahaprabhuji Shree Vallabhacharyaji, It is firmly mentioned that if someone who really wants the gratification of Lord Shree Krishna, Goseva and devotion towards Lord Shree Krishna is only the way to this and in this term gratification of Gomata is the gratification of guardian of Gomata.

The spirit of Goseva was always widely manifested all the time in conduct of Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree & because of the same he had been keeping himself persistently busy for Goseva and this way he dedicated his entire life towards Gomata.

With concept of “આપ સેવા કરી શીખવે શ્રી હરિ”corresponding to all Vaishnavas, Shree KishorechandrajiMaharajshree inspired the entire ‘VaishnavShrushti’ as well as people of all class of society for Goseva putting it into daily practice of life whole heartedly, and consequently many big and small Goshalas at many villages of Saurashtra region got established & today they are functioning excellently well.

Looking to the dedication and great experience of Goseva by Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree, not only the people of Gujarat but also the people of entire India had been getting able guidance and started thinking about happiness and conservation of Gomata by establishing Goshalas under the able guidance of him. Therefore, not a single person whether he is from Gujarat or India, or all over the world & who also is a Gomata conserver was unaware of the name of Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree.

NityaLeela. Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree used to preach explicitly that, “service, conservation, and protection are only the remedies of difficult situation occurred at present times in our country and world and this is only the way which will build conscientiousness in us & lead to the way of upliftment destroying the biliousness of us.”

Considering this all the time mindfully and getting inspired by these kinds of excellent thoughts of Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree and also for the fulfilment of this ideal aim of him, Shree Vallabh Goshala has been established and today It is functioning beautifully well keeping an intention of all round happiness of Gomata under the inspiration, blessings, and able guidance of Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree.

Such a great soul who adopted the doctrines of Shree Mahaprabhuji soulfully & also the one who lifetime performed his duty as Acharya along with preaching the indigenous people of society towards Goseva, therefore, let us pay respect and bow down at the holy feet of such a great soul Shree Kishorechandraji Maharajshree., a million times!


Acharya Goswami Shree Piyushbavashree

Establisher, Shree Vallabh Goshala

Shree Piyushbavashree, a successor and a son as well of Shree KishorechandrajiMaharajshree enthrones with soulfully adoption of his father’s ideology by putting it into unvarying conduct of life. The way an immense compassion and affection KishorechandrajiMaharajshree had for Gomata along with better most sentiment & these same virtues of Shree Piyushbavashree assuredly draws attention of everyone and impacts anyone who gets in touch with him.

Shree Piyushbavashree’sinherent attraction towards Gomata explicitly reflects in nature of him and they consistently contemplates for progressive development of Shree VallabhGoshala established by Shree KishorechandrajiMaharajshree. For happily and prolonged dwelling of Gomata-Govansh, the decayed departments of Goshala are resurrected in year 2021 with the help of Sanskrit language in very protective manner along with the help of modern technology. Shree Piyushbavashree accomplished this resurrection task of Goshala departments by providing consistent hard work and guidance of him.

It has always been a straight forward approach of Goswami Shree Piyushbavashee that “As an ancestor and acharya of Shree Vallabhacharyaji, It is our prime duty to inspire entire VaishnavSrushti by applying principles of Shree Vallabh into routine conduct” & this approach clearly reflects in nature of Shree Piyushbavashree and for the fulfilment of the same they’ve acquired contemplative inspiration that our children are lacking of sacrament due to misuse of modern education and technology. A person who lacks sacrament cannot attain upliftment happily and satisfactorily in any sector. Despite, if the semination of sacrament is inculcated straight from the childhood, it becomes beneficial and ingrained. Therefore, it becomes firmly concluded that mankind gets beautified only & only by sacrament and the same is the only need of every being.

For fulfilment of this ideal aim of Shree Piyushbavashree, PushtisanskarPathshala has been established. Along with this, PushtisanskarVidyapeeth got inaugurated for the development of eternal virtues like Vaishnavism, Conscientiousness, Patriotism, Humanity etc., in children along with youngsters.

To develop concrete devotion towards own sect and also to learn and live with the principles of Shree Vallabhacharyaji in their original form, many souls are being firmly devoted towards Vaishnavism through the Pushtisanskar Family by Satsang.

Not stopping with this journey, a seed sown through PushtisanskarPathshala, The eminent PushtisanskarDham is taking shape as a giant Banyan Tree.

Let us bow down at the holy feet of Shree Piyushbavashree who has always been deeply contemplative for the holistic upliftment of entire VaishnavSrushti, society, nation, and world a million times !