Goshala Departments


Gau Khirak

(space for cows)

A total of 6 khiraks have been constructed in Shreevallabh Goshala, in which cows of Gujarat’s world-famous “Gir breed” are present.

A reservoir and manger have been constructed for Gau-mata (cows) both inside and outside the Khirak, from which Gau-mata can have food and water whenever it wants.
An open space has been arranged so that the cows can get warmth from the sunlight during the day.
A safe place has been set up at Shreevallabh Goshala to protect cows from violent wildlife at night. Besides, the entire Goshala premises are monitored by security guards and night supervisors during the night.

During the daytime, the entire Gau-khirak premises are cleaned so that problems like dirt and odors do not arise at all.


Nandi Ghar
(space for bull calves)

A special Nandi Ghar has been arranged for the Nandis (bull calves) at Shreevallabh Goshala, where the Nandis are kept harmoniously.

There is also an open space for Nandis outside the house so that they can walk comfortably in the open. Food and water for Nandi have been provided herein Nandighar itself.

These bull calves living in Nandi house are utilized only to fertilize the cows of the cowshed. There is no artificial insemination in Shreevallabh Goshala.

Here in Goshala Nandi serves for 3 years, after which it’s handed over to any of the 108 Goshalas attached to Shreevallabh Goshala is entrusted with the responsibility of full


Badad Ghar
(space for oxen)
A separate ox house for oxen has been constructed at Shreevallabh Goshala. The oxen living here are utilized in the agricultural activities connected with the organization.


Gau Parikrama Marg

(passage for circumambulating cows)
गवां दृष्ट्वा नमस्कृत्य कुर्याच्चैव प्रदक्षिणम् । प्रदक्षिणीकृता तेन सप्तद्विपा वसुन्धरा ।।
Visiting Gau-mata (cow), bowing to it, circumambulating it, is the same as circumambulating the complete globe, including the islands.Shreevallabh Goshala has a total of three Go Parikrama Margs (passages).In which the first big Parikrama Marg is to circumambulate around all the Gau-khiraks of Shreevallabh Goshala.
The second passage is for elderly or physically handicapped Vaishnavs who can easily use it for circumambulating Gau-khiraks.While the third Parikrama Marg is the smallest, there is a beautiful arrangement to circumambulate around the idol of the adorable Lord Krishna in Shreevallabh Goshala. All these Gau Parikrama Margs have been paved with Kota Stone so that Vaishnavs can easily circumambulate without shoes.
While performing Gau Parikrama, Vaishnavs can be immersed in Krishna devotion by listening to melodious Krishna bhakti music as well as Dhol-kirtan. For this, a sophisticated sound system has been installed on the Gau Parikrama Marg (Circumambulating passage).


Panchgavya Store
(Products of Panchgavya)

The five sacred things received by Gaumata (cows) such as; Milk, curd, ghee, cow urine, and dung are known as Panchgavya.

Some of the herbs made from Panchgavya, extracts, food items like milk, ghee, buttermilk, incense sticks, Kandla, etc. will be available from the Panchgavya store of Shreevallabha Goshala.


Multimedia Auditorium

(Auditorium in goshala)

Shreevallabh Goshala has a multimedia auditorium equipped with latest technology and the luxurious sitting arrangements for Vaishnavs.
Sessions by Bavashree, Vasihnav Sabha as well as various cultural programs are organised in this auditorium. Digital content on importance of Gau-mata(sacred cow) and the documentary of Shreevallabh goshala are also shown to the visitors of Shreevallabh Goshala.


Baal Kridangan
(space for kids)
A children’s playground has been set up at Shreevallabha Goshala to ensure that a Vaishnav child stays close to Gaumata (cows) from his childhood, recognizes it, is motivated to take care of it, and visits Goshala regularly with his family.
Where wonderful slides, swings, and other playful equipment are kept to make the children’s playground more interactive.A unique Khirak has been made here, where the young calves of cows will be kept. So that the children can recognize Gau-mata (cows) more and start getting attached. Comfortable benches have also been placed here so that the child’s family can relax conveniently.


Family Garden
(space for families)
A delightful family garden has been built here so that Vaishnavs visiting Shreevallabh Goshala can sit with the family in a tranquil and completely natural environment near Gau-mata.
Sessions by Bavashree, Vasihnav Sabha as well as various cultural programs are organised in this auditorium. Digital content on importance of Gau-mata(sacred cow) and the documentary of Shreevallabh goshala are also shown to the visitors of Shreevallabh Goshala.


Alpahar Gruh

(Healthy Snack house)

There is also a snack house at Shreevallabh Goshala, where Vaishnavs will get pure and nutritious snacks. Near the snack counter, children play our forgotten nostalgic childhood games, as well as perform various cultural activities, we also encourage them to perform music and Dhol-Sankirtan.