त्वं तीर्थ सर्वतीर्थानां नमस्तेस्तु सदानधे ।
Among all Tirthas (Holy places), you are the holiest.
The principal Deities, namely, Bramha, Vishṇu and Shiva have narrated the following shloka:
त्वं माता सर्व देवानां त्वं च यज्ञस्य कारणम् ।
त्वं तीर्थ सर्वतीर्थानां नमस्तेस्तु सदानधे ।
Meaning: O Destroyer of sins! You are the mother of all Deities. You are the reason for yadnya (sacrificial fire). Among all Tirthas (Holy places), you are the holiest. I pay my obeisance to you.
Yatra(pilgrimage), Hinduism and other Indian religions, generally means a pilgrimage to holy places and extremely significance for Hindus. Hindus hope that this pilgrimage will make them blessed by God and help them achieve their ultimate goal of moksha through their devotion.
Goshal and Cow is holiest Tirth as per Brama, Vishnu and Siva.
One Day Tour
As a pillar of sacrament and culture, proximity of Gomatacan again make a child proud by getting it closed towards the virtues of this sacrament and culture. So a family or children of school-colleges can fulfillthis purpose by organizing one day tour of Goshala.
As a tourist, a family or children of school-collages can take benefit by visit of Goshala located at very beautiful and natural environment. In addition, a documentary picturized in auditorium elaborating the supernatural and spiritual importance of Gomataincreases the affection of perception of Gosevaand conservation in children.
During one day tour of Goshala, children and students not only obtainthe holy proximity of Gomata but also canacquire knowledge of dung gas and other products produced based on “PANCHGAVYA”.
Gau Parikrama Marg
गवां दृष्ट्वा नमस्कृत्य कुर्याच्चैव प्रदक्षिणम् ।
प्रदक्षिणीकृता तेन सप्तद्विपा वसुन्धरा ।।
Open green Krishna prayer area
You want your children to spend time around cows and nature because it will nurture some good values in them, so for that, we have kids play area where they can play and even spend some time with cows in worshipping them, learning about their benefits and much more.
Food facility
Shreevallabh Goshala has a multimedia auditorium with cutting-edge technology and luxury seating for Vaishnavs.This auditorium hosts seminars by Bavashree, Vaishnav Sabha, and other cultural activities.
Shree Vallabh gaushala is a holy place for an outing where you can plan a trip with your family & loved ones. Also, it is considered as a spiritual place because here you can worship cows, Nandi accompanied with a point for Bhajan bhakti which has beautiful sculpture of Lord Krishna which offers some positive vibes when you be around!
A lovely family garden has been created here so that Vaishnavs can rest with the community in a peaceful and pleasant setting near Gau-Mata.
So, you have to know why one day tour is not merely for fun and how it is beneficial in so many different ways when you visit here for a one-day tour. This Gaushala is situated outside of the city and is surrounded by lush greenery. This gaushala has a lot more to offer despite its remote location away from the hustle and bustle of the town. If you like the village side atmosphere, Shri Vallabh Gaushala will make your picnic day memorable. . We are awaiting your pleasure with your loved ones here at Vallabh Gaushala!
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